



Babele is an APP that Inail, Cesf, Fomedil and the University for Foreigners of Perugia wanted to create to contribute in an innovative way to improving the safety conditions of construction workers, with particular attention to the numerous employees of foreign origin, as well as to contribute to the reduction. accidents and occupational diseases in the sector.Linguistic difficulties are an important element in the exposure to professional risks of those who, not knowing the meaning of the words on safety signs, or not fully understanding the instructions given or the contents of the training / information on safety, find themselves having to face situations of danger and emergency.Using the technologies available to the best, the aim was therefore to translate into a simple and immediate tool, easy to use, "the contents on safety on construction sites" which can be of help to the foreign worker in correctly understanding the reality in which he or she goes. to operate, to preserve their own and others health.The BABELE App allows the translation into 9 languages ​​of the main terms used on construction sites and the risk situations that may occur there.The online help, in particular, constitutes a useful support to the worker who, finding himself in a situation of danger and isolation, can send a help text message from his mobile phone.